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RENAULT TRAFIC II Bus (JL) 2.5 dCi 135 (JL0D)

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RENAULT TRAFIC II Bus (JL) 2.5 dCi 135 (JL0D)

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RENAULT TRAFIC II Bus (JL) 2.5 dCi 135 (JL0D)

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Bolt RENAULT TRAFIC II Bus (JL) 2.5 dCi 135 (JL0D)

K MOTORSHOP offers our customers a comprehensive portfolio of BOLT for RENAULT TRAFIC II Bus (JL) 2.5 dCi 135 (JL0D). K MOTORSHOP is one of the top suppliers and a much sought-after engine parts specialist on the world stage, specializing in mostly European and Asian passenger vehicles of all brands and models. If you are looking for a BOLT for a RENAULT TRAFIC II Bus (JL) 2.5 dCi 135 (JL0D), we've got you covered. If you're having trouble locating the part we'd be happy to help. Contact us here.

General information

Brand: IPSA
Title:Connecting Rod Bolt
Weight  :0,02 kg


Thread Length [mm]: 42 mm
Thread Size: M9x1
Bolt Head-/Nut Design: Hexagon
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Netto price: $3.86 ($3.86 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $2.70 ($2.70 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs