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VW LT 28-35 II Bus (2DB, 2DE, 2DK) 2.5 SDI

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VW LT 28-35 II Bus (2DB, 2DE, 2DK) 2.5 SDI

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VW LT 28-35 II Bus (2DB, 2DE, 2DK) 2.5 SDI

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Connecting rod bearing set VW LT 28-35 II Bus (2DB, 2DE, 2DK) 2.5 SDI

K MOTORSHOP offers our customers a comprehensive portfolio of CONNECTING ROD BEARING SET for VW LT 28-35 II Bus (2DB, 2DE, 2DK) 2.5 SDI. K MOTORSHOP is one of the top suppliers and a much sought-after engine parts specialist on the world stage, specializing in mostly European and Asian passenger vehicles of all brands and models. If you are looking for a CONNECTING ROD BEARING SET for a VW LT 28-35 II Bus (2DB, 2DE, 2DK) 2.5 SDI, we've got you covered. If you're having trouble locating the part we'd be happy to help. Contact us here.

General information

Title:Connecting Rod Bearing Set
Weight  :0,15 kg


Component Number: 71589600
Component Number: 71730600
Standard Size [STD]: yes
Quantity Unit: Set
General Information: The upper shell is marked with `SPUTTER`. the flange.
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Netto price: $122.38 ($122.38 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -40% $73.43 ($73.43 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 5 pcs
Supplier: > 25 pcs

General information

Title:Connecting Rod Bearing Set
Weight  :0,20 kg


Component Number: 71589610
Component Number: 71730610
Repair stage: 0,25
Quantity Unit: Set
General Information: The upper shell is marked with `SPUTTER`. the flange.
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Netto price: $122.38 ($122.38 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -40% $73.43 ($73.43 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 25 pcs

General information

Title:Connecting Rod Bearing Set
Weight  :0,21 kg


Component Number: 71589620
Component Number: 71730620
Repair stage: 0,50
Quantity Unit: Set
General Information: The upper shell is marked with `SPUTTER`. the flange.
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Netto price: $122.38 ($122.38 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -40% $73.43 ($73.43 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: 0 pcs

General information

Code:71-3847/5 STD
Brand: GLYCO
Title:Connecting Rod Bearing
Weight  :0,25 kg


Thickness [mm]: 1,406 mm
Width [mm]: 20 mm
Surface: Cathodic Sputtering
Supplementary Article/Info 2: Bronze coated steel back
Component Number: 71-3847
For shaft diameter from [mm]: 47,758 mm
To shaft diameter [mm]: 47,778 mm
For housing diameter from [mm]: 50,6 mm
To housing diameter [mm]: 50,612 mm
For bearing clearance from [mm]: 0,02 mm
To bearing clearance [mm]: 0,07 mm
Standard Size [STD]: yes
General Information: The upper shell marked with "SPUTTER" C is not the holder. We expressively point out, that the spa re part is intended exclusively to be used for the purpose o f the repair of a complex product so as to restore its origi nal appearance.
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Netto price: $155.14 ($155.14 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $108.60 ($108.60 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs

General information

Code:CR 515SP0.25
Brand: KING
Title:Connecting Rod Bearing
Weight  :0,00 kg


Undersize [mm]: 0,250 mm
General Information: Material: Sputter
Netto price: $107.38 ($107.38 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $75.17 ($75.17 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: 0 pcs

General information

Code:CR 515SP0.5
Brand: KING
Title:Connecting Rod Bearing
Weight  :0,00 kg


Undersize [mm]: 0,500 mm
General Information: Material: Sputter
Netto price: $105.90 ($105.90 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $74.13 ($74.13 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 25 pcs

General information

Code:CR 515SV
Brand: KING
Title:Connecting Rod Bearing
Weight  :0,18 kg


Standard Size [STD]: yes
General Information: Material: Sliver based
Netto price: $90.43 ($90.43 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $63.30 ($63.30 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 25 pcs

General information

Code:CR 515SV0.25
Brand: KING
Title:Connecting Rod Bearing
Weight  :0,20 kg


Undersize [mm]: 0,250 mm
General Information: Material: Sliver based
Netto price: $90.43 ($90.43 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $63.30 ($63.30 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 25 pcs

General information

Code:CR 515SV0.5
Brand: KING
Title:Connecting Rod Bearing
Weight  :0,21 kg


Undersize [mm]: 0,500 mm
General Information: Material: Sliver based
Netto price: $90.43 ($90.43 without VAT 0%)
Your price: -30% $63.30 ($63.30 without VAT 0%)
Warehouse: 0 pcs
Supplier: > 25 pcs